
Dating Advice For Boomers - How to Make Sure You Are Not Dating a Crook

It has been a while since your last date. I understand that venturing into a dating world after a long absence can be difficult. But if you are used to dating then that is okay. But how do you know that you are not dating a crook. You must have heard stories that some sick people are taking advantage of people who have not date for a while, some may con people into giving away money and some can even be a sex offender. I am not trying to scare you; I understand that going on a date after a long while can be tough itself. What I am advising you is take the necessary precautions and protect yourselves. You do not need to expose yourself to unnecessary danger. Do a background check on the person you are dating to make sure that you are not dating a crook that is planning against you. Fortunately, doing a criminal background check in today's world no longer require to be expensive or time consuming. In the old days, most people overlooked doing a criminal background because it can be d

Dating Advice For Boomers - How to Get Back in the Saddle

How the dating scene has changed. It used to be rare for seniors or even older singles in general to date. Today, there are more older and senior singles openly dating than ever before, and loving it. This article is about dating advice for boomers, and how to get back in the saddle. With marriages getting delayed due to career considerations and the ever increasing divorce rates, more and more older singles are finding themselves in the "market" again. There is quite a "healthy" number of boomer singles seeking partners today. However, this does not mean that dating is easy for this demographic. As for the when the boomer period began or ended, this is not clear and is of subject controversy. For practical purposes, we shall take this to mean anybody born around mid 1940s through around mid 1960s. It was also a time of great changes in the world; socially, economically, politically and technologically. And just by the way, while boomers may be referred to as "

Dating Advice for Boomer Women - Could Cupid Win the Next Primary?

Cupid may be popular in some circles, but in others, he wouldn't do much better than Giuliani. Most singles today are content with their solo-status and feel it's not worth the trouble to look for love. According to a study conducted by AARP among people 40-70, only 16% are willing to do anything to find love. That's why Cupid couldn't garner enough votes to win a primary. It's seems this icon of romance no longer stands for what the people want. But wait a minute - is that really true? AOL just released a survey about love on January 2nd that showed 66% of people 40-49 believe they can have more than one soul mate in a life time and for respondents 50-69, that belief rose to a whopping 72%! So, if people assume more than one perfect love is possible, how come so few want to take steps to find it? Have boomer singles gotten lazy, disenchanted, or simply dropped romance as a priority because the adult dating game is too confusing? Regardless of what may hold people

Dating Advice For Boomers - How to Fall in Love Online

You've probably heard some horror stories about online dating, but falling in love online today is much safer than ever before. Plus, if you follow this step-by-step plan, you'll be able to protect yourself and find the person of your dreams...almost as easily as you'd buy a book on! Strategy #1: Choose a site. You have a wealth of options available to you when it comes to online dating. You can choose from any of the regular dating sites like or, you can choose a site for boomers or seniors, or you can choose a site that has nothing to do with dating at all! My husband and I fell in love online without ever going to a dating site, so one of our favorite tips for singles today is to join a web site with a paid forum that focuses on something that really matters to you. It might be a hobby you enjoy or a cause that you believe in, but you definitely want to make sure that there are members of the opposite sex in the mix. Strategy #2: Create

Dating For Baby Boomers - 4 Tips to Have a Great Time

When you start dating again, there are inevitably issues that you might wonder about. Maybe it's a long time since you had a date. Some things in the dating world have changed. Dating for Boomers can be a challenge, more because of a lack of confidence in how this dating thing works, than for any other reason. After you've started dating and have had a few dates, or have begun establishing a relationship with someone, you may feel more confident. But in the meantime... Here are four tips to make your first few dates wonderful: Who pays? Who will pay the bill? It used to be that the man ALWAYS paid, right? Boomer men are funny about the bill. Some are very traditional and are insulted if the woman offers to pay the bill or to split the bill or pay her share of it. Others feel like they're right up with the times and expect to split the bill. Others expect to take turns. It's a "damned if you do and damned if you don't" situation for women. So women really o

Dating For Boomers - Why Going Online is a Powerful Strategy

Remember the bad old days where you had to hang out at a bar to find a woman, or worse still, wait until a friend of yours felt sorry enough for you to set you up with one of their women friends hoping that the two of you would hit it off. Now at our age we look out of place( and downright deviate!) if we go to a disco, and let's face it, hanging out at bars week after week is soul destroying. And the biggest problem with these old systems is that we have no information on the woman when we approach her. Firstly it is scary to have to get up the courage to approach a complete stranger and start a conversation with her. Secondly, we have no idea whether she is even single and thirdly, we have no idea whether she has the basic attributes we are looking for. Let me give you an example. I have a few "no go " zones that are mandatories for me. I don't like smokers: I like my woman to be well educated and intelligent: I want someone that can string two words together effect